Saturday, October 07, 2006

KO-SO-VO: Laugh, Then Cry!

OK I seem to have turned into the blogging QUEEN! Must be the weekend.

I want everyone to watch this video. Not only is it funny and clever and they clearly put in a lot of effort (oh the choreography...!), but it also makes a pretty valid point about what happens when things just sort of fall apart and an occupying (did I say occupying?) force withdraws from a trouble spot.

I apologise for the weirdness of the last 10 seconds of the video.. try to forgive that.

PS YouTube is completely amazing... I love it.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

*groan* I don't know whether that's funny, or just in appallllllingly poor taste!

Must tell you about what I know of Kosovo some time - I'm sure you're hearing stories, we'll have to share one day!