Thursday, September 14, 2006

Over it! Time for a break.

Thursday morning. Ten days after arriving here in Sweden it's getting pretty much time for a break. I have literally spent no more than 5 minutes alone since getting off the plane, and it's taking its toll! I have actually - SERIOUSLY - taken to going to the bathroom a few times a day just to hide, chill out and get some peace and quiet!! Haha. Everyone is great and I really like them, but for someone who is used to spending a lot of time with me, myself and I, it's a recipe for grumpiness! So this morning I'm a bit of a scowler. Hence the no picture today - i fear that if I took a photo my computer would shut down in fear!!

On the other hand, of course, this is a pretty good preliminary indication of the intensity of being in the field! Except, in the field usually there'd be no running water or breakfast each morning... you'd be in a tent, it would be rainy and muddy and food would not just be served 3 times a day, with 3 coffee breaks! And it would last a hell of a lot longer than 10 days, and be MUCH more full on.

Good heavens I'm soft. Yikes.

J xx

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