Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Party's Over!

Well we are definitely in work mode here in Geneva! As of yesterday, things have kicked off and we've been in briefings, meetings and group sessions. I guess this all means that there'll be less scope for doing fun adventuring every day, which may mean this blog gets a little yawnish. I hope not, though! Just to prove to you my committment to keeping it fresh, here is a picture of me and stuart jousting with icicles. That spelling really does look wrong, doesn't it? Icicles. IcYcles? Hmmm.

Also, perhaps I should refer you to my blog where I am writing more often about the work that we're doing at the UN, so if you're interested in that you can have a look...

OK big day tomorrow, so i'm out of here!


Jess x

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