Tuesday, December 26, 2006

holidays in australia

well... i've been home for almost 2 weeks now. have finished editing 'we will be remembered for this' (it'll be released soon! watch this space!), spent a few days down at the most beautiful secluded beach, and done the obligatory family christmas stuff. it has been great being home, even though my boasts to my european classmates have been rather disappointed - the weather here has been terrible! rain, wind, HAIL AND SNOW on christmas day! unheard of. still, it's nice to be home for a while.

strangely enough for this time of year, i have assignments to do! i have about 8,000 words due on 8 jan, and explaining this to friends and family is met with blank, puzzled looks, as in the southern (sensible) hemisphere, the word 'homework' is dropped from the lexicon between november and february!

anyway i'd better go. off to see a movie and have some dinner and continue the terrible hard slog of being on holidays.

very best wishes for the new year!

jess x x


Kate said...

Jess. I hope you are ok. Miss your thoughts. Love Kate

Rebecca said...

I miss your thoughts too...I feel like we "talk" more when you're o/s, thanks to the convenience of electronic communication!!

Have a safe trip 'back', and enjoy the last stretch. You must let me know what happens with interviews...