hello faithful readers (both of you!),
just checking in to say hi, i'm still alive, and gaaaaah.
the gaaaah translates as "i'm in the middle of my exam period, have just done my third exam in 4 days, and i'm having trouble formulating complete sentences".
i had social anthropology on tuesday, geopolitics on thursday, and today (friday) was epidemiology (public health and medicine). the epidemiology exam was basically about flies, cockroaches, diarrhoea, dead people and latrines, so after writing the exam i feel a bit like i need to have a shower. delightful.
last weekend i moved out of my little house in Goatstown, and into a big, 5 storey historical mansion of some literary import to the city of Dublin (will elaborate with pictures in a few days), but due to the infernal wind and arctic temperatures, it hasn't really been a good base for studying. this has meant that i've been crashing on the (very accommodating) living room floor of 4 of my (very accommodating) classmates, studying with them, eating with them, going slightly mental from the cabin fever with them... this study period has felt like we've been in a nuclear bunker - we don't leave the house, our meals are quite repetetive (mmm rice cakes anyone??), and the most exciting thing i've done in the past week is to pop down to the shop to buy loo paper. oh stop!
I should probably give an update on the latest morcels of Taxi Driver Wisdom:
1 x "all ye need in this cold weather is a bottle of whiskey and a lad to keep ye warm"
1 x "even if ye've already a boyfriend, he's a million moiles away! ye should get ye'self a man to push around while you're in Dooblin"
1 x "i personally agree with capital punishment. i mean, without the death penalty, people just won't learn!"
.... i got nothin'.
it's been FREEZING cold here (maximum temps of 5 degrees, and winds like i have literally never experiences before in my *life*). but i'm going home to melbourne on tuesday, and the weather forecast for when i arrive on thursday morning is 34 degees. oh dear goodness i can hardly WAIT.
just one more exam - management. it's a bit of a nasty one, but i have saturday, sunday and monday to prepare. the exam is at 10am on tuesday, and then at 6pm i'll be on a plane home. nearly time for a holiday...
oh, in other exciting news, i got my results for my thesis / law degree etc, and I'm very happy. against all possible odds, I will graduate from Law with Honours, which is a relief! It's also made me quite philosophical but now is not the time nor the place.
OK i'm out of here. it's friday night and I'm going to go and put on a tight dress* and some impractically high heels**, and go out dancing*** til the crack of dawn****.
JT x
* pyjamas
** slippers
*** sit on the couch
**** til i fall asleep